Tanisha Systems Recruiting Tips for Your Network Marketing Business

Looking for dynamic and talented professionals for your networking marketing business? Tanisha Systems can help you in hiring professionals with talents that have the potentiality to take decisions that are crucial in the growth of the organization. We with our experienced professionals identify the talents that you are looking for. So, here are a few tips that would help you in finding the right person that fits the job profile perfectly.

  • Job profile: Before hiring someone it is important to know his current job profile so that you can judge his role in the present organization. It also helps in deciding what sort of responsibilities the candidate will be capable to undertake in crucial situations. So, go through his resume and discuss the candidate’s exact role in the current organization.
  • Attitude: Judge his attitude that way he presents himself in the interview. Evaluate his communication skills and also whether he is a team player or not. Many candidates take initiatives and so they have the potential to lead a team or take decisions at the time of need.
  • Effective channels: ‘A man is known by the company he keeps’ goes a proverb. Seek for channels who have recommended him or his work. Such an exercise will help an organization to judge his professional skills. To find out effective channels you can take help of the professional social media sites such as LinkedIn. In many cases, it is seen profiles re recommended for skills and performances.
  • Sales technique: When it comes to network marketing business, always consider whether the candidate posses the technique to sell products. Many candidates do not have the convincing capability and so fail to become a successful sales executive. The candidate should be capable to cope with the situation and also improve the relationship with the client or customer.
  • Self motivation: It is one of the important factors that drive a sales executive to become successful. It is a gift and only few realizes it. So, try to identify this quality while seeking for the right candidate for your networking business.

Tips for How to Reducing Employee Hiring Costs

Organizations in this gloomy economy are reluctant to hire fresh employee as it will augment cost. Even though some organizations are mulling over hiring employees, considering a few tips could definitely help in reducing employee hiring costs.


A very popular trend in the market is to outsource work to locations where the labor cost is low. Organizations instead of hiring new employees opt to outsource some of their task to avoid certain types of costs. It helps them save a good amount of money or else organizations are answerable to burdensome regulations, pay taxes and have to provide benefits to employees under labor-union contracts. Through outsourcing management, organizations can derive streamlines operations and great efficiency at lower costs.

Staff augmentation:

It is an outsourcing strategy that organizations consider to determine the necessity of additional skills to meet its business objectives. In many cases, organizations utilize contract workers and outsourced services to achieve their business goals. Staff augmentation is quite common in IT companies because of declining rates, IT resources and narrowing margins for organizations.  Many experts view that staff augmentation is one of the effective way to reduce employee hiring costs.

Staff augmentation companies help organizations to hire temporary resources to work under their direction and guidance. With the help of staff augmentation, organizations can achieve organizational business goals and earn good revenue.

Video interview:

Hiring a candidate is a time consuming process and also a costly affair. One among the various processes, interviewing a candidate takes much time. But with the technology available more and more companies in the US are considering video interview to hire talent as it allows to interview candidates worldwide at a low costs.

Use social media:

Consider social media while hiring employees. With the help of social media networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter organizations can save costs as they can advertise vacancy and reach to millions. Using ‘social hiring’ also saves the costs of manpower and time consumption.

 Referral scheme:

It is an effective and highly used technique in organizations to hire talents. Companies who are mulling over to reduce the hiring costs can opt for this technique to hire candidates. By encouraging employees to refer candidates with the desired skills for the vacant position and promising rewards who recommend the right candidate, employers can save costs. The basic idea for a successful employee referral program is to keep it simple and offer good rewards.

Tanisha Systems: How a Staffing Company Helps You to Find a Job in a Slow Economy

Even in the slow economy, more and more Americans are finding jobs. How? Staffing companies are helping job seekers in finding a number of temporary and permanent placements. For a staff agency, the job market is still lively and therefore they are helping people in recruitment in this gloomy economy.
The use of staff agency to find employee is well organised in the US. Companies of all sizes rely on such agencies to spot talents and hire suitable candidates for a vacancy. Employers consider such agency services for a lot of reasons: to maintain a low profile, lack of knowledge about the hiring market, lack of staff to seek for candidates for the vacant position or a last-minute recruitment.
With their advice and experience, staff agencies are helping job seekers in finding employment that best suit their skills and career. They offer orientations on how to find jobs and try to screen candidates to help them in securing a job. These orientations build confidence in candidates and also guide them with the hiring process.
For job seekers, approaching a staff agency could be the right way to find a job. They not only help in arranging an interview with recruiters but also help you with successful tips that could enhance your skills. By being candid, you could seek advice from the professionals that could propel your career.
One among the various services of staff agency are preparing your resume that attract recruiters and also present you as a potential candidate for the post, The agency tries to identify your key skills and highlight then so that it grab the attention of employers.
Based on your skills, a staff agency tries to locate vacancies in the market or contact recruiters available in their network who are looking for potential employees for the various posts. Moreover, they examine resumes and shortlist candidates for the interview that best fit for vacant position because they do not want to lose their client either.
There are a good many reasons, why you should consider a staff agency.
•    You might be looking for a temporary job to earn some extra money to meet your expenses
•    You might dream to work with specific organisation to boost your career
•    You might seek a job as soon as you complete your graduation
Recruitment agency can definitely help you in finding a job and even offer a speedier route to get employed. So, irrespective of the gloomy economy you still can have an offer letter in your hand by considering the services of staffing company.

source: Tanisha Systems | Tanisha Systems Inc

How to Use Keywords Properly on Resumes

Not getting enough job calls? Thinking what’s wrong with your resume? While searching for a job, one should consider a few things in the resume that would capture the attention of the recruiters instantly. The résumé helps in creating the first impression while applying for employment, and also a potential employer use to screen applicants. So, what are the things that one should consider while writing a resume.

A résumé is usually written in a precise and concise manner, and highlights those aspects of an individual’s background relevant to a particular position. In many cases, résumés carry keywords that highlight the skills and proficiency of the employee or candidate that potential employers are looking for. So, many resume experts advice candidates to make heavy use of active verbs, and display content relevant to the job profile or skills.

Always remember that a résumé is a marketing tool and so you should give emphasis on the content to suit your job application. The best way to find relevant keywords for resumes is to use job search engines and search for        job listings. Keywords are considered to be essential components of a resume that enhances the possibilities to get exposure while recruiters search for candidates’ profiles. Through resume keywords hiring managers search for candidates through their database of resumes.

It is always a wise act to create headlines carrying keywords in the job postings. Try to incorporate the keywords into your resume that are relevant to your skills and also check list of action keywords that best describe your job profile and skills. Recruitment experts suggest job seekers to use keywords related to education, accomplishments, job profiles and potentialities so that they could easily create a positive impression.

However, job seekers can also opt for resume writing services provided by profession recruitment staff agencies that could create a professional resume and help it to reach employers. One should be cautious while selecting the keywords to be used in resumes or else often they have negative effect and chances of securing employment is turned down,

Always remember that the use of keywords with specific to skills and profession vary from person to person. So, instead of following the format and keywords used by software engineer, medical marketing executives opt for the keywords that best describe and justify your profession. So, by using the right keywords in your resume you can increase the chances manifold to receive interview calls and get better job offers.

Tanisha Systems | Tanisha Systems Inc

How to Change Careers Using a Staffing Agency

Searching for a prospective job with a handsome payout?  Confused how to search a good job? If you have made up your mind to switch your job then take help of an employment staffing agency. Considering the services of employment staffing agencies is indeed a good decision during career change as they help you to prepare for interview and grab a job with a good pay and position that could propel your career.
Companies always seek for talents and do not hesitate to substantially raise the payout to a deserving candidate. Employment staffing agencies usually work for organisation or employer trying to recruit fantastic employees for the employer because if they fail they will not get repeat business. So, they try to help candidates with the insightful information and job interview tips.
Always remember, employment agencies love amicable and passionate candidates to market to their employers. In many cases, it is seen that candidates get little time to practice for their interview. And if you are in such a situation then do not hesitate to seek advice from the staffing agency. Make up a list of questions that you think the employer intend to ask you in the interview. On request, staffing agencies may also help you in enhancing your skill.
Additionally, by taking the help of the agency services you can also find out how many of their clients are seeking for candidates with similar to your job profile or about the various existing job prospect in the market. With their consultation you can proactively change careers.
Career staffing agencies offer valuable and helpful interview tips that you will be amazed to know. They work in a proactive manner if they find someone passionate about his/her profession and immediately will seek for current opportunities or will contact known employers and try to schedule an interview.
Many career staffing agencies even provide opportunities to grab temporary/part time jobs with good payout for students who are interested in earning some extra money during their vacation periods.
Moreover, if you are confused about your career, then seek an appointment with an employment staffing agency and discuss the issue.
Approaching a professional career staffing agency can be an amazingly enlightening process for candidates who are undecided about what job would best for them. It could build confidence in candidates and teach them how to tackle questions easily during interviews.
So, taking the help of career staffing agency you can easily secure a good job and also discover your inborn aptitudes.

More: tanisha systems | tanisha systems inc